Find material properties data at the click of a button!

By registering for the Total Materia (Oxford Instruments) FREE Trial, it is possible to search and view property data for over 350,000 alloys including chemical composition, heat treatment diagrams and mechanical and physical properties.

In addition you can try our unique material identification module SmartComp, which allows intelligent metal identification by chemical composition obtained from spectrometer or other analytical sources. Simply enter the composition data and receive a list of matches instantly!

Follow the 3 simple steps below to gain FREE access to Total Materia today:

Step 1. Registration: Fill out the simple registration form to experience the full power of Total Materia completely FREE!
Step 2. Confirmation: We will send you an email confirming your login details and instructions on how to access.
Step 3. Access: Use your username and password to login to the world’s most comprehensive materials database!



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